作者:宁波翻译公司    发布于:2016-08-08 09:06:29    文字:【】【】【


The 2016 Summer Olympics (Games of the XXXI Olympiad) commonly known as Rio 2016, a highly anticipated international multi-sport event is all set to unfold in its recent installment in Rio, Brazil. The excitement amongst the sports fanatics is rising day by day and will reach its peak on 5th Aug. 2016.


Many countries will participate in 28 sports including rugby seven and golf. More than 10,500 athletes from 206 nations will participate, in this extravaganza and will compete for the coveted gold medal. The host city has overcome innumerable hurdles in order to make this a success, apart from refurbishing[1] old stadiums, building new venues, new roads, and what not[2]. So, come and join the festivities[3] to support your country.

此届奥运会设有包括7人橄榄球和高尔夫球在内的28个大项。届时将有超过10 500名来自206个国家的运动员参与这场重大赛事,争夺梦寐以求的金牌。里约为此次申奥克服了许多困难。为了成功举办奥运会,组委会不仅重修已有场馆,而且建设新场馆,修建新道路等等。所以,赶快来里约,加入这场体育盛事,为你的国家队加油助威吧!

The city of Rio de Janeiro has a rich and colourful history. The seat of power of the Portuguese Colonial Empire in the early 19th century and later the capital of the Brazilian Republic, Rio has been a witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witness and key player in many chapters of the nation's story. And, since times long past,the city has been a fertile ground for sport.

里约的历史悠久绵延,丰富多彩。19世纪初, 里约曾是葡萄牙殖民帝国的权力中心,后又成为巴西共和国的首都。里约见证了巴西历史的变迁,并在许多事件中发挥了重要作用。此外,经过长期的积淀,这里成为体育发展的肥沃土壤。

Copacabana Beach, Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain...it's easy to understand why Rio is known as Cidade Maravilhosa—the Marvellous City.


With its beautiful beaches, awe-inspiring mountains and lush[4] rainforest, the city of Rio de Janeiro gives its inhabitants every reason to go outside and get active. Many different sports form a part of the daily routines of cariocas, as Rio's residents are known.

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